MRT logoMaterial React Table

Legacy V2 Docs

Advanced Example

Here is a more advanced example showcasing Material React Table's many features. Features such as row selection, expanding detail panels, header groups, column ordering, column pinning, column grouping, custom column and cell renders, etc., can be seen here.

This example is still only using client-side features. If you want to see an example of how to use Material React Table with server side logic and remote data, check out either the Remote Data Example or the React-Query Example.

Data Export
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Source Code

1import { useMemo } from 'react';
3//MRT Imports
4import {
5 MaterialReactTable,
6 useMaterialReactTable,
7 type MRT_ColumnDef,
8 MRT_GlobalFilterTextField,
9 MRT_ToggleFiltersButton,
10} from 'material-react-table';
12//Material UI Imports
13import {
14 Box,
15 Button,
16 ListItemIcon,
17 MenuItem,
18 Typography,
19 lighten,
20} from '@mui/material';
22//Icons Imports
23import { AccountCircle, Send } from '@mui/icons-material';
25//Mock Data
26import { data } from './makeData';
28export type Employee = {
29 firstName: string;
30 lastName: string;
31 email: string;
32 jobTitle: string;
33 salary: number;
34 startDate: string;
35 signatureCatchPhrase: string;
36 avatar: string;
39const Example = () => {
40 const columns = useMemo<MRT_ColumnDef<Employee>[]>(
41 () => [
42 {
43 id: 'employee', //id used to define `group` column
44 header: 'Employee',
45 columns: [
46 {
47 accessorFn: (row) => `${row.firstName} ${row.lastName}`, //accessorFn used to join multiple data into a single cell
48 id: 'name', //id is still required when using accessorFn instead of accessorKey
49 header: 'Name',
50 size: 250,
51 Cell: ({ renderedCellValue, row }) => (
52 <Box
53 sx={{
54 display: 'flex',
55 alignItems: 'center',
56 gap: '1rem',
57 }}
58 >
59 <img
60 alt="avatar"
61 height={30}
62 src={row.original.avatar}
63 loading="lazy"
64 style={{ borderRadius: '50%' }}
65 />
66 {/* using renderedCellValue instead of cell.getValue() preserves filter match highlighting */}
67 <span>{renderedCellValue}</span>
68 </Box>
69 ),
70 },
71 {
72 accessorKey: 'email', //accessorKey used to define `data` column. `id` gets set to accessorKey automatically
73 enableClickToCopy: true,
74 filterVariant: 'autocomplete',
75 header: 'Email',
76 size: 300,
77 },
78 ],
79 },
80 {
81 id: 'id',
82 header: 'Job Info',
83 columns: [
84 {
85 accessorKey: 'salary',
86 // filterVariant: 'range', //if not using filter modes feature, use this instead of filterFn
87 filterFn: 'between',
88 header: 'Salary',
89 size: 200,
90 //custom conditional format and styling
91 Cell: ({ cell }) => (
92 <Box
93 component="span"
94 sx={(theme) => ({
95 backgroundColor:
96 cell.getValue<number>() < 50_000
97 ? theme.palette.error.dark
98 : cell.getValue<number>() >= 50_000 &&
99 cell.getValue<number>() < 75_000
100 ? theme.palette.warning.dark
101 : theme.palette.success.dark,
102 borderRadius: '0.25rem',
103 color: '#fff',
104 maxWidth: '9ch',
105 p: '0.25rem',
106 })}
107 >
108 {cell.getValue<number>()?.toLocaleString?.('en-US', {
109 style: 'currency',
110 currency: 'USD',
111 minimumFractionDigits: 0,
112 maximumFractionDigits: 0,
113 })}
114 </Box>
115 ),
116 },
117 {
118 accessorKey: 'jobTitle', //hey a simple column for once
119 header: 'Job Title',
120 size: 350,
121 },
122 {
123 accessorFn: (row) => new Date(row.startDate), //convert to Date for sorting and filtering
124 id: 'startDate',
125 header: 'Start Date',
126 filterVariant: 'date',
127 filterFn: 'lessThan',
128 sortingFn: 'datetime',
129 Cell: ({ cell }) => cell.getValue<Date>()?.toLocaleDateString(), //render Date as a string
130 Header: ({ column }) => <em>{column.columnDef.header}</em>, //custom header markup
131 muiFilterTextFieldProps: {
132 sx: {
133 minWidth: '250px',
134 },
135 },
136 },
137 ],
138 },
139 ],
140 [],
141 );
143 const table = useMaterialReactTable({
144 columns,
145 data, //data must be memoized or stable (useState, useMemo, defined outside of this component, etc.)
146 enableColumnFilterModes: true,
147 enableColumnOrdering: true,
148 enableGrouping: true,
149 enableColumnPinning: true,
150 enableFacetedValues: true,
151 enableRowActions: true,
152 enableRowSelection: true,
153 initialState: {
154 showColumnFilters: true,
155 showGlobalFilter: true,
156 columnPinning: {
157 left: ['mrt-row-expand', 'mrt-row-select'],
158 right: ['mrt-row-actions'],
159 },
160 },
161 paginationDisplayMode: 'pages',
162 positionToolbarAlertBanner: 'bottom',
163 muiSearchTextFieldProps: {
164 size: 'small',
165 variant: 'outlined',
166 },
167 muiPaginationProps: {
168 color: 'secondary',
169 rowsPerPageOptions: [10, 20, 30],
170 shape: 'rounded',
171 variant: 'outlined',
172 },
173 renderDetailPanel: ({ row }) => (
174 <Box
175 sx={{
176 alignItems: 'center',
177 display: 'flex',
178 justifyContent: 'space-around',
179 left: '30px',
180 maxWidth: '1000px',
181 position: 'sticky',
182 width: '100%',
183 }}
184 >
185 <img
186 alt="avatar"
187 height={200}
188 src={row.original.avatar}
189 loading="lazy"
190 style={{ borderRadius: '50%' }}
191 />
192 <Box sx={{ textAlign: 'center' }}>
193 <Typography variant="h4">Signature Catch Phrase:</Typography>
194 <Typography variant="h1">
195 &quot;{row.original.signatureCatchPhrase}&quot;
196 </Typography>
197 </Box>
198 </Box>
199 ),
200 renderRowActionMenuItems: ({ closeMenu }) => [
201 <MenuItem
202 key={0}
203 onClick={() => {
204 // View profile logic...
205 closeMenu();
206 }}
207 sx={{ m: 0 }}
208 >
209 <ListItemIcon>
210 <AccountCircle />
211 </ListItemIcon>
212 View Profile
213 </MenuItem>,
214 <MenuItem
215 key={1}
216 onClick={() => {
217 // Send email logic...
218 closeMenu();
219 }}
220 sx={{ m: 0 }}
221 >
222 <ListItemIcon>
223 <Send />
224 </ListItemIcon>
225 Send Email
226 </MenuItem>,
227 ],
228 renderTopToolbar: ({ table }) => {
229 const handleDeactivate = () => {
230 table.getSelectedRowModel() => {
231 alert('deactivating ' + row.getValue('name'));
232 });
233 };
235 const handleActivate = () => {
236 table.getSelectedRowModel() => {
237 alert('activating ' + row.getValue('name'));
238 });
239 };
241 const handleContact = () => {
242 table.getSelectedRowModel() => {
243 alert('contact ' + row.getValue('name'));
244 });
245 };
247 return (
248 <Box
249 sx={(theme) => ({
250 backgroundColor: lighten(theme.palette.background.default, 0.05),
251 display: 'flex',
252 gap: '0.5rem',
253 p: '8px',
254 justifyContent: 'space-between',
255 })}
256 >
257 <Box sx={{ display: 'flex', gap: '0.5rem', alignItems: 'center' }}>
258 {/* import MRT sub-components */}
259 <MRT_GlobalFilterTextField table={table} />
260 <MRT_ToggleFiltersButton table={table} />
261 </Box>
262 <Box>
263 <Box sx={{ display: 'flex', gap: '0.5rem' }}>
264 <Button
265 color="error"
266 disabled={!table.getIsSomeRowsSelected()}
267 onClick={handleDeactivate}
268 variant="contained"
269 >
270 Deactivate
271 </Button>
272 <Button
273 color="success"
274 disabled={!table.getIsSomeRowsSelected()}
275 onClick={handleActivate}
276 variant="contained"
277 >
278 Activate
279 </Button>
280 <Button
281 color="info"
282 disabled={!table.getIsSomeRowsSelected()}
283 onClick={handleContact}
284 variant="contained"
285 >
286 Contact
287 </Button>
288 </Box>
289 </Box>
290 </Box>
291 );
292 },
293 });
295 return <MaterialReactTable table={table} />;
298//Date Picker Imports - these should just be in your Context Provider
299import { AdapterDayjs } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/AdapterDayjs';
300import { LocalizationProvider } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/LocalizationProvider';
302const ExampleWithLocalizationProvider = () => (
303 //App.tsx or AppProviders file
304 <LocalizationProvider dateAdapter={AdapterDayjs}>
305 <Example />
306 </LocalizationProvider>
309export default ExampleWithLocalizationProvider;

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