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Custom Headless Example

For advanced use cases where you want to be in 100% control of your UI components, you can use Material React Table in a more headless way, kind of like how you would use stock TanStack Table.

The power and flexibility here is almost limitless, as you can combine some already built-in Material React Table components alongside your own custom components. For the MRT components to work properly, all you need to do is pass the table object returned from the useMaterialReactTable hook.

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My Custom Headless Table

First NameLast NameAddressCityState
ChristopherLee555 Cedar StreetSeattleWashington
RachelAnderson987 Walnut CourtNew YorkNew York
DavidGarcia654 Maple AvenueLos AngelesCalifornia
ZacharyDavis261 Battle FordColumbusOhio
RobertSmith566 Brakus InletWestervilleWest Virginia

Source Code

1import {
2 MRT_GlobalFilterTextField,
3 MRT_TableBodyCellValue,
4 MRT_TablePagination,
5 MRT_ToolbarAlertBanner,
6 flexRender,
7 type MRT_ColumnDef,
8 useMaterialReactTable,
9} from 'material-react-table';
10import {
11 Box,
12 Stack,
13 Table,
14 TableBody,
15 TableCell,
16 TableContainer,
17 TableHead,
18 TableRow,
19 Typography,
20} from '@mui/material';
21import { type Person, data } from './makeData';
23const columns: MRT_ColumnDef<Person>[] = [
24 {
25 accessorKey: 'name.firstName',
26 header: 'First Name',
27 },
28 {
29 accessorKey: 'name.lastName',
30 header: 'Last Name',
31 },
32 {
33 accessorKey: 'address',
34 header: 'Address',
35 },
36 {
37 accessorKey: 'city',
38 header: 'City',
39 },
40 {
41 accessorKey: 'state',
42 header: 'State',
43 },
46const Example = () => {
47 const table = useMaterialReactTable({
48 columns,
49 data, //must be memoized or stable (useState, useMemo, defined outside of this component, etc.)
50 //MRT display columns can still work, optionally override cell renders with `displayColumnDefOptions`
51 enableRowSelection: true,
52 initialState: {
53 pagination: { pageSize: 5, pageIndex: 0 },
54 showGlobalFilter: true,
55 },
56 //customize the MRT components
57 muiPaginationProps: {
58 rowsPerPageOptions: [5, 10, 15],
59 variant: 'outlined',
60 },
61 paginationDisplayMode: 'pages',
62 });
64 return (
65 <Stack sx={{ m: '2rem 0' }}>
66 <Typography variant="h4">My Custom Headless Table</Typography>
67 <Box
68 sx={{
69 display: 'flex',
70 justifyContent: 'space-between',
71 alignItems: 'center',
72 }}
73 >
74 {/**
75 * Use MRT components along side your own markup.
76 * They just need the `table` instance passed as a prop to work!
77 */}
78 <MRT_GlobalFilterTextField table={table} />
79 <MRT_TablePagination table={table} />
80 </Box>
81 {/* Using Vanilla Material-UI Table components here */}
82 <TableContainer>
83 <Table>
84 {/* Use your own markup, customize however you want using the power of TanStack Table */}
85 <TableHead>
86 {table.getHeaderGroups().map((headerGroup) => (
87 <TableRow key={}>
88 { => (
89 <TableCell align="center" variant="head" key={}>
90 {header.isPlaceholder
91 ? null
92 : flexRender(
93 header.column.columnDef.Header ??
94 header.column.columnDef.header,
95 header.getContext(),
96 )}
97 </TableCell>
98 ))}
99 </TableRow>
100 ))}
101 </TableHead>
102 <TableBody>
103 {table.getRowModel(), rowIndex) => (
104 <TableRow key={} selected={row.getIsSelected()}>
105 {row.getVisibleCells().map((cell, _columnIndex) => (
106 <TableCell align="center" variant="body" key={}>
107 {/* Use MRT's cell renderer that provides better logic than flexRender */}
108 <MRT_TableBodyCellValue
109 cell={cell}
110 table={table}
111 staticRowIndex={rowIndex} //just for batch row selection to work
112 />
113 </TableCell>
114 ))}
115 </TableRow>
116 ))}
117 </TableBody>
118 </Table>
119 </TableContainer>
120 <MRT_ToolbarAlertBanner stackAlertBanner table={table} />
121 </Stack>
122 );
125export default Example;

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