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    State Management Guide

    Note: tableInstanceRef has been removed in MRT v2 since the useMaterialReactTable hook now returns the table instance directly. See the Migration Guide for more information.

    Material React Table does not try to hide any of its internal state from you. You can initialize state with custom initial values, manage individual states yourself as you discover the need to have access to them, or read any of the state from the table instance itself.

    This is all optional, of course. If you do not need access to any of the internal state, you do not need to do anything and it will just automatically be managed internally.

    See the State Options API Docs for more information on which states are available for you to manage.

    Relevant Table Options

    Table State Management Guide
    Table State Management Guide

    Populate Initial State

    If all you care about is setting parts of the initial or default state when the table mounts, then you may be able to specify that state in the initialState table option and not have to worry about managing the state yourself.

    For example, let's say you do not need access to the showColumnFilters state, but you want to set the default value to true when the table mounts. You can do that with the initialState table option:

    const table = useMaterialReactTable({
    initialState: {
    density: 'xs', //set default density to compact
    expanded: true, //expand all rows by default
    pagination: { pageIndex: 0, pageSize: 15 }, //set different default page size
    showColumnFilters: true, //show filters by default
    sorting: [{ id: 'name', desc: false }], //sort by name ascending by default
    return <MaterialReactTable table={table} />;

    Note: If you use both initialState and state, the state initializer in state table option will take precedence and overwrite the same state values in initialState. So just use either initialState or state, not both for the same states.

    Manage Individual States as Needed

    It is pretty common to need to manage certain state yourself, so that you can react to changes in that state, or have easy access to it when sending it to an API.

    You can pass in any state that you are managing yourself to the state table option, and it will be used instead of the internal state. Each state property option also has a corresponding on[StateName]Change callback that you can use set/update your managed state as it changes internally in the table.

    For example, let's say you need to store the pagination, sorting, and row selection states in a place where you can easily access it in order to use it in parameters for an API call.

    const [pagination, setPagination] = useState({
    pageIndex: 0,
    pageSize: 15, //set different default page size by initializing the state here
    const [rowSelection, setRowSelection] = useState({});
    const [sorting, setSorting] = useState([{ id: 'name', desc: false }]);
    //see example at bottom of page for alternatives to useEffect here
    useEffect(() => {
    //do something when the pagination state changes
    }, [pagination]);
    const table = useMaterialReactTable({
    getRowId: (originalRow) => row.username,
    onPaginationChange: setPagination,
    onRowSelectionChange: setRowSelection,
    onSortingChange: setSorting,
    state: { pagination, rowSelection, sorting }, //must pass states back down if using their on[StateName]Change callbacks
    return <MaterialReactTable table={table} />;

    Add Side Effects in Set State Callbacks

    In React 18 and beyond, it is becoming more discouraged to use useEffect to react to state changes, because in React Strict Mode (and maybe future versions of React), the useEffect hook may run twice per render. Instead, more event driven functions are recommended to be used. Here is an example for how that looks here. The callback signature for the on[StateName]Change works just like a React setState callback from the useState hook. This means that you have to check if the updater is a function or not, and then call the setState function with the updater callback if it is a function.

    const [pagination, setPagination] = useState({
    pageIndex: 0,
    pageSize: 15,
    const handlePaginationChange = (updater: MRT_Updater<PaginationState>) => {
    //call the setState as normal, but need to check if using an updater callback with a previous state
    setPagination((prevPagination) =>
    //if updater is a function, call it with the previous state, otherwise just use the updater value
    updater instanceof Function ? updater(prevPagination) : updater,
    //put more code for your side effects here, guaranteed to only run once, even in React Strict Mode
    const table = useMaterialReactTable({
    onPaginationChange: handlePaginationChange,
    state: { pagination },
    return <MaterialReactTable table={table} />;

    Read From the Table Instance

    Note: Previously, in early MRT v1, you could use the tableInstanceRef table option to get access to the table instance. This is no longer necessary as the useMaterialReactTable hook now just returns the table instance directly.

    The useMaterialReactTable hook returns the table instance. The <MaterialReactTable /> needs the table instance for all of its internal logic, but you can also use it for your own purposes.

    const table = useMaterialReactTable({
    const someEventHandler = (event) => {; //example - get access to all page rows in the table; //example - get access to all selected rows in the table; //example - get access to the current sorting state without having to manage it yourself
    return (
    <ExternalButton onClick={someEventHandler}>
    Export or Something
    <MaterialReactTable table={table} />

    The table instance is the same object that you will also see as a provided parameter in many of the other callback functions throughout Material React Table, such as all the render... props or the Cell or Header render overrides in the column definition options.

    const columns = useMemo(
    () => [
    Header: 'Name',
    accessor: 'name',
    Cell: ({ cell, table }) => <span>{cell.getValue()}</span>,
    //The `table` parameter from the Cell option params and the `table` are the same object
    const table = useMaterialReactTable({
    renderTopToolbarCustomActions: ({ table }) => {
    //The `table` parameter here and the table returned from the hook are the same object
    return <Button>Button</Button>;
    return <MaterialReactTable table={table} />;

    Persistent State

    Persistent state is not a built-in feature of Material React Table, but it is an easy feature to implement yourself using the above patterns with the state table option and the on[StateName]Change callbacks. Here is an example of how you might implement persistent state using sessionStorage:


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    Source Code

    1import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react';
    2import { Button } from '@mui/material';
    3import {
    4 MaterialReactTable,
    5 type MRT_ColumnDef,
    6 type MRT_ColumnFiltersState,
    7 type MRT_DensityState,
    8 type MRT_SortingState,
    9 type MRT_VisibilityState,
    10} from 'material-react-table';
    11import { data, type Person } from './makeData';
    13//column definitions...
    38const Example = () => {
    39 const isFirstRender = useRef(true);
    41 const [columnFilters, setColumnFilters] = useState<MRT_ColumnFiltersState>(
    42 [],
    43 );
    44 const [columnVisibility, setColumnVisibility] = useState<MRT_VisibilityState>(
    45 {},
    46 );
    47 const [density, setDensity] = useState<MRT_DensityState>('comfortable');
    48 const [globalFilter, setGlobalFilter] = useState<string | undefined>(
    49 undefined,
    50 );
    51 const [showGlobalFilter, setShowGlobalFilter] = useState(false);
    52 const [showColumnFilters, setShowColumnFilters] = useState(false);
    53 const [sorting, setSorting] = useState<MRT_SortingState>([]);
    55 //load state from local storage
    56 useEffect(() => {
    57 const columnFilters = sessionStorage.getItem('mrt_columnFilters_table_1');
    58 const columnVisibility = sessionStorage.getItem(
    59 'mrt_columnVisibility_table_1',
    60 );
    61 const density = sessionStorage.getItem('mrt_density_table_1');
    62 const globalFilter = sessionStorage.getItem('mrt_globalFilter_table_1');
    63 const showGlobalFilter = sessionStorage.getItem(
    64 'mrt_showGlobalFilter_table_1',
    65 );
    66 const showColumnFilters = sessionStorage.getItem(
    67 'mrt_showColumnFilters_table_1',
    68 );
    69 const sorting = sessionStorage.getItem('mrt_sorting_table_1');
    71 if (columnFilters) {
    72 setColumnFilters(JSON.parse(columnFilters));
    73 }
    74 if (columnVisibility) {
    75 setColumnVisibility(JSON.parse(columnVisibility));
    76 }
    77 if (density) {
    78 setDensity(JSON.parse(density));
    79 }
    80 if (globalFilter) {
    81 setGlobalFilter(JSON.parse(globalFilter) || undefined);
    82 }
    83 if (showGlobalFilter) {
    84 setShowGlobalFilter(JSON.parse(showGlobalFilter));
    85 }
    86 if (showColumnFilters) {
    87 setShowColumnFilters(JSON.parse(showColumnFilters));
    88 }
    89 if (sorting) {
    90 setSorting(JSON.parse(sorting));
    91 }
    92 isFirstRender.current = false;
    93 }, []);
    95 //save states to local storage
    96 useEffect(() => {
    97 if (isFirstRender.current) return;
    98 sessionStorage.setItem(
    99 'mrt_columnFilters_table_1',
    100 JSON.stringify(columnFilters),
    101 );
    102 }, [columnFilters]);
    104 useEffect(() => {
    105 if (isFirstRender.current) return;
    106 sessionStorage.setItem(
    107 'mrt_columnVisibility_table_1',
    108 JSON.stringify(columnVisibility),
    109 );
    110 }, [columnVisibility]);
    112 useEffect(() => {
    113 if (isFirstRender.current) return;
    114 sessionStorage.setItem('mrt_density_table_1', JSON.stringify(density));
    115 }, [density]);
    117 useEffect(() => {
    118 if (isFirstRender.current) return;
    119 sessionStorage.setItem(
    120 'mrt_globalFilter_table_1',
    121 JSON.stringify(globalFilter ?? ''),
    122 );
    123 }, [globalFilter]);
    125 useEffect(() => {
    126 if (isFirstRender.current) return;
    127 sessionStorage.setItem(
    128 'mrt_showGlobalFilter_table_1',
    129 JSON.stringify(showGlobalFilter),
    130 );
    131 }, [showGlobalFilter]);
    133 useEffect(() => {
    134 if (isFirstRender.current) return;
    135 sessionStorage.setItem(
    136 'mrt_showColumnFilters_table_1',
    137 JSON.stringify(showColumnFilters),
    138 );
    139 }, [showColumnFilters]);
    141 useEffect(() => {
    142 if (isFirstRender.current) return;
    143 sessionStorage.setItem('mrt_sorting_table_1', JSON.stringify(sorting));
    144 }, [sorting]);
    146 const resetState = () => {
    147 sessionStorage.removeItem('mrt_columnFilters_table_1');
    148 sessionStorage.removeItem('mrt_columnVisibility_table_1');
    149 sessionStorage.removeItem('mrt_density_table_1');
    150 sessionStorage.removeItem('mrt_globalFilter_table_1');
    151 sessionStorage.removeItem('mrt_showGlobalFilter_table_1');
    152 sessionStorage.removeItem('mrt_showColumnFilters_table_1');
    153 sessionStorage.removeItem('mrt_sorting_table_1');
    154 window.location.reload();
    155 };
    157 return (
    158 <MaterialReactTable
    159 columns={columns}
    160 data={data}
    161 onColumnFiltersChange={setColumnFilters}
    162 onColumnVisibilityChange={setColumnVisibility}
    163 onDensityChange={setDensity}
    164 onGlobalFilterChange={setGlobalFilter}
    165 onShowColumnFiltersChange={setShowColumnFilters}
    166 onShowGlobalFilterChange={setShowGlobalFilter}
    167 onSortingChange={setSorting}
    168 state={{
    169 columnFilters,
    170 columnVisibility,
    171 density,
    172 globalFilter,
    173 showColumnFilters,
    174 showGlobalFilter,
    175 sorting,
    176 }}
    177 renderTopToolbarCustomActions={() => (
    178 <Button onClick={resetState}>Reset State</Button>
    179 )}
    180 />
    181 );
    184export default Example;